Thursday, June 9, 2011

The future

For lack of a better post, I have decided to write about what I want most in a guy. I have been thinking about love a lot lately, mostly because I recently joined a Singles ward. Fun stuff. There are so many characteristics that I would love my future husband to have, I will name just a few: (sorry, here comes another bullet list...)
  • Returned missionary, with an unwavering testimony. That is of the utmost importance.
  • I want him to love me, for who I am, and not want me to change one thing about myself.
  • He should be kind to his family, especially his mother. You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he treats his mother.
  • If he is fond of Nature and hiking, that would be oh so great.
  • Please bless he is neat and organized, to compensate for my forgetfulness.
  • If he cooks, that's a huge plus.
  • Hilarious, he NEEDS to be able to make me laugh.
  • Lets hope he is smart. I like smart people, I also like "fix it" men. They seem to get a lot done.
  • It would be cool if he was good at taking pictures.
  • If he likes the names: William, Jack, Claire, Lily, and River, then we are set.
  • I want to be able to sing with him. Even if we both sound horrible.
  • He should have his own interests. That would be pretty neat.
  • Kind and generous. Those are great qualities.
  • Looks. It's not extremely important, but lets hope he can rock some plaid. 
Where am I going to find this man? I wish I had an answer. I know someone is out there just for me. Whether or not he fits this criteria is unknown, but we will find each other some day, of that I am sure.
Anyway, just thought I'd share.


kirsten. said...

jo. i need your email so i can invited you to read my blog.(:

Johanna said...

Fred said...

Great list. I found the girl of my dreams when I was 23 and she was 24. My advice is to focus your efforts on becoming the girl of his dreams. Here's a hint: his list is similar to yours. Love you girl.