Saturday, April 21, 2012

I'm alive.

It is true. I am alive. I know I have said this so many times, but I am positive that I am the worst blogger the face of the earth. Anyway, this is what has been happening in my life since I last blogged:
  • I am now working at Seagull Book so if you need a cheesy Mormon romance novel, look no further. 
  • I went on a few trips with friends and it was such a fun time.
  • There is this boy...and...
  • I was asked to join an Art History podcast with some awesome awesome people. It's been great. I'll post a link to the blog.
  • I've been playing soccer again lately, and I love it. 
  • I've been hiking lately, and it's been oh so great.
  • That about sums it up.

Well, I can't promise that I will be posting anytime soon because I'm just so unpredictable, but it's more fun that way right? 

Talk to ya'll real soon.

Link to the Arts and Facts blog:

Yes I'm a big nerd. And yes I'm perfectly okay with it.